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60 2024-12-02 03:41





1、萨克斯(SACHS)是采埃孚股份公司(ZF Friedrichshafen AG)旗下品牌,为乘用车提供减振器、离合器、双质量飞轮以及离合器操作系统(离合器拉线、CSC)等产品。

2、萨克斯 (SACHS) ,是一家有着超过120年历史的德国老牌产品,采用高质量材料制成,具有高性能和可靠性。很多知名的汽车制造商都使用,每年超过 1000 万辆新汽车装备了萨克斯 (SACHS) 减震器和缓冲器。

三、如何评价Goldman Sachs?


The humbling of Goldman Sachs

humble 让你不得不谦虚,被吊打了,知道自己确实不行,才不情愿但又无可奈何地说我确实技不如人

The struggle to reinvent a firm trapped by its own mythology 困在自我神话里的企业,要如何求变?

Jan 26th 2023

GOLDMAN SACHS has always seen itself as exceptional. When the bank floated its shares in New York in 1999 it declared: “We have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake.” Conspiracy theorists have long paid it the backhanded compliment of imagining that it secretly runs the world. Yet lately the only exceptional thing about the Wall Street icon has been its mistakes.


Since October Goldman has made a U-turn on its plan to build a big consumer bank; booked one of its worst quarterly results for a decade, measured by return on equity; and attracted a probe by the Federal Reserve. The firm is not yet in serious trouble, but it is trapped by its own mythology. Its recent struggles show how hard it will be to reform—and illuminate a new balance of power in global finance.


To understand Goldman today, take a walk down Wall Street. After the financial crisis of 2007-09, two big American banks reinvented themselves. JPMorgan Chase successfully pursued vast scale across a wide range of business lines. Morgan Stanley built a thriving arm managing the assets of the wealthy, which mints reliable profits. Goldman, however, stuck to its game of trading, advising on deals and bespoke investing. Penal new capital rules made this less lucrative, but the firm staked a Darwinian bet that the resulting shakeout would kill off many competitors. Instead, it badly underperformed the stockmarket for years and got ensnared in the 1MDB scandal, in which officials in Malaysia and Abu Dhabi received $1.6bn of bribes in 2009-14. A Goldman subsidiary pleaded guilty to a criminal charge and the firm admitted “institutional failure”.


The firm’s boss, David Solomon, took over in 2018. A man with a short fuse, he has tried to rebrand himself and to renew the firm by expanding its core and diversifying into new areas. Goldman now offers transaction banking to multinationals, helping them move funds globally. It has bulked up its asset-and wealth-management arm. And from their Manhattan skyscraper, flush Goldmanites dreamed of growing a mass-market digital bank for ordinary consumers, including a credit-card operation.


Parts of Mr Solomon’s strategy have paid off. Goldman’s market share in mergers and bond trading has risen, helping it make a monster $21bn in profits in 2021 as markets boomed. From taxpayers’ viewpoint, it is safer, with more capital and deposits. And, importantly, its share price has recovered lost ground, rising more than the market and those of most of its peers.


Yet look more closely and the project to remake the bank is vexingly incomplete. Diversification has been patchy: transaction-banking revenues are tiny and the asset-management arm is often dragged down by opaque proprietary bets. The dream of creating a consumer bank has soured. Goldman has 15m customers, but has also faced large losses and bad-debt charges, which is why it is now winding down part of the operation.


n 高盛只有1500万客户,这个只原句读不出来,但根据后面的转折还有后文,我觉得非常有必要加上这个只字,帮助非业内人士了解情况。

As the prospects for a big new earnings machine have receded, everything still rests on the traditional business. The profitability of the trading arm has improved but remains volatile and, on average, pedestrian. Overall, Goldman has made reasonable use of its resources, generating a return on tangible equity of 14% over Mr Solomon’s tenure. But its performance is erratic, veering from 33% in early 2021 to just 5% in the latest quarter. It has lagged behind its American peers half of the time, and the two industry leaders, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley, two-thirds of the time. Investors think that Goldman is worth only the net book—or liquidation—value of its assets, suggesting they doubt that it can generate consistently high returns or find lucrative new areas.

随着事态清晰,高盛不再指望创造新的摇钱树,继续靠起老本行。交易业务利润率上升,但仍存在较大波动,而整体利润也表现平平。总体上,高盛对其资源进行了合理利用,所罗门任内有形资产回报率达14% 。但表现极不稳定,从21年早期的33%跌到上个季度的5%。一半的时间里它都被美国的其它银行甩在后面,2/3的时间都在看摩根大通和摩根士丹利两大佼佼者的背影。投资者认为高盛目前只值旗下资产票面净值或者清算价值那么多,也就是说他们对高盛能否持续带来高回报或找到新增长点存疑。

Goldman’s struggles point to several lessons. One is that it still excels, but in a bad industry. Investment banking combines the drawbacks of a regulated activity (capital requirements and red tape) with the vices of a speculative one (volatility and capture by employees). The firm says it has become more disciplined on pay but last year forked out $15bn, its second-highest salary and bonus bill since the financial crisis, even as profits halved to $11bn and the firm barely beat its cost of capital. The real action in finance is outside regulated banking, where a new cohort of stars rules, including Blackstone in private markets, BlackRock in index funds, and Citadel, an investing and trading house that made its clients $16bn in 2022.


n capture by employees 这个我不确定是指什么,了解投行的朋友可以帮忙解答一下。我这个的逻辑是参考 state capture 的用法,同时考虑到投行合伙人们等佣金高,可能挖走客户这些方面,理解为为自身谋取利益,但牺牲企业的利益。

Another lesson is that it is hard to compete in winner-takes-all digital markets. Goldman thought that brains and brand were enough. Not true. It has spent billions, but its customer base remains a fraction of that of PayPal or Amazon. JPMorgan reaches 66m American households, but maintains a vast physical network of branches. Goldman has achieved digital scale by teaming up with Apple to provide a credit card. However, given that the tech giant has almost a billion paying subscribers, Apple holds the whip hand in that relationship.

其次,在赢者通吃的数字市场,想要博得头彩困难重重。高盛曾以为凭借公司的天才们和名号,就够了。现实是,高盛斥资数十亿,但客户数量仍不过是PayPal 或Amazon的一小部分。摩根大通有6600万美国用户,但维持着大范围的实体分行网络。通过与APPLE联手,高盛在电子信用卡市场上实现了一定规模。但是,APPLE手下有数十亿的付费用户,主动权都掌握在这个科技巨头手上。

A final lesson is that the stagnation of globalisation has shrunk Wall Street’s horizons. In the decade after Goldman listed, international revenues provided half of its growth, as its bankers conquered Europe and then broke into Asia. Today they supply a third of growth, as local competitors have emerged and some countries have become wary of foreign financiers. The number-one arranger of shares and bonds last year in China was CITIC Securities; in India Kotak Mahindra and Axis led the pack. These are names that many on Wall Street may not know.

最后一点,全球化的停滞缩小了华尔街的视野。高盛上市的十年间,逐步拿下了欧洲市场,进入了亚洲市场,其国际业务收入占到营收一半。今天,随着外国市场本土银行的出现,以及一些国家对外国金融企业的不信任,高盛国际业务收入只占到营收的1/3。去年,中国最大的交易平台是中信证券;印度的同类佼佼者则是 Kotak Mahindra和Axis,华尔街的人可能都没听说过这些名字。

Raging bulls 向前冲的群牛

Can Goldman recover its swagger? Mr Solomon is wisely laying off staff and shrinking the bank’s proprietary investments. Over time he may be vindicated by prosaic changes—running its asset-management arm better, say, or pioneering new tech to cut exorbitant labour costs—or even by orchestrating a merger.


Yet there is something uniquely hard about reforming elite firms whose unwritten code is that they are smarter than everyone else. Just ask McKinsey, a scandal-magnet once known as the world’s most-admired consultancy. Goldman’s culture of self-regard remains at odds with the facts. Instead it now needs to be self-critical. For yesterday’s masters of the universe, that may be the hardest leap of all. ■



萨克斯(SACHS)是采埃孚股份公司(ZF Friedrichshafen AG)旗下品牌。



萨克斯(SACHS)是采埃孚股份公司(ZF Friedrichshafen AG)旗下品牌,为乘用车提供减振器、离合器、双质量飞轮以及离合器操作系统(离合器拉线、CSC)等产品。



七、Goldman Sachs vs Twitter: The Ongoing Finance Battle

The Background

In the world of finance and technology, Goldman Sachs and Twitter have recently become key players in a heated battle. Both companies are vying for dominance in the competitive arena of online finance, and each has its own unique approach to gaining an edge.

Goldman Sachs: The Giant's Strategy

Goldman Sachs, a renowned investment bank, has long been a powerhouse in traditional finance. However, as the world has become increasingly digital, the company has recognized the need to adapt. One of their main strategies has been to invest heavily in technology and innovation. By leveraging their vast resources and expertise, Goldman Sachs aims to create cutting-edge digital platforms that offer a wide range of financial services, such as investment advice, asset management, and trading tools.

Twitter: The Social Media Challenger

On the other hand, Twitter, the popular social media platform, sees an opportunity to tap into the vast user base it already possesses and expand its offerings into the financial realm. Twitter aims to provide its users with a seamless experience by integrating finance-related features directly into its platform. This includes real-time financial news, market data, and even the option to execute trades directly through the Twitter app. By combining its existing social media infrastructure with financial services, Twitter hopes to attract a new generation of investors who value convenience and simplicity.

The Clash of Titans

As Goldman Sachs and Twitter go head-to-head in the finance industry, the clash of titans has sparked intense competition and innovation. Both companies are aggressively expanding their teams of engineers, data scientists, and finance experts in a bid to outpace one another. They are also actively developing partnerships with key players in the industry to further strengthen their positions.

Goldman Sachs has been forging alliances with established financial institutions, such as JPMorgan Chase and Fidelity Investments, in order to leverage their networks and expertise. This has allowed Goldman Sachs to expand its user base and reach a wider audience of potential clients.

On the other hand, Twitter has been collaborating with fintech startups and disruptors to enhance its platform with innovative features. By partnering with companies like Square and Stripe, Twitter is able to offer users a seamless and secure way to manage and invest their finances.

The Future of Finance

The ongoing battle between Goldman Sachs and Twitter highlights the increasing convergence of finance and technology. As these giants continue to innovate and push boundaries, the landscape of finance is poised for significant transformation. The competition between these two forces is not only beneficial for investors but also for consumers, as it fosters innovation and drives down costs.

Ultimately, the winner of this battle will be the company that can effectively combine the trust and experience of traditional finance with the convenience and accessibility of digital platforms. Whoever emerges victorious will undoubtedly shape the future of finance and redefine the way we interact with money.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it provided valuable insights into the ongoing finance battle between Goldman Sachs and Twitter. As these two giants continue to vie for dominance, we can expect exciting developments that will reshape the finance industry and benefit both investors and consumers.

八、golden sachs是公司名字么?

golden sachs是新和成股份有限公司的名字,是一家生产维生素的高新技术企业,成立于1999年4月5日,总部位于浙江省新昌县城关镇。 公司主要经营,药品、保健品、医药原料药、香精香料等系列产品的生产及销售等业务。





sachs离合器中文译做萨克斯离合器,是德国ZF Friedrichshafen AG(弗里德里西港ZF股份公司)的产品,德国采埃孚(ZF)集团,简称ZF公司,是当今世界上最重要的传动系统产品专业制造厂家之一。采埃孚股份公司开发并生产轿车、商用车、工程机械完整的传动系统及底盘系统。同时也是轮船、叉车、铁路机车及直升飞机特殊变速箱的主要供应商。




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